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Zachary Gill

Net Zero Technical Analyst

Dr Zachary Gill is a Net Zero Technical Analyst for Energiesprong UK. His goal is to ensure that all of our projects demonstrably meet or exceed their performance targets and also to drive continual improvement and refinement of the ES approach and the viable technical solutions.

Zack is a building performance expert, working and challenging the field of low-energy domestic buildings for over 13 years. He undertook his academically commended PhD research on the contribution of user behaviours to building performance with Buro Happold Engineers. Subsequently, he worked with Willmott Dixon Energy Services, pioneering performance-feedback approaches, in particular on their wide-scale social housing retrofit schemes.

In 2019, Zack established his own building performance consultancy, SOAP Retrofit Ltd, to continue championing real-world measurement techniques and developing science-based retrofit approaches. He is also co-authoring the forthcoming British Standard on Building Performance Evaluation.